Worship & Youth Church

10 AM  Sunday

organist & Praise Team Leader ~ Jesse Oddis

Jesse is a native of Lower Burrell and has been the Music Ministry Specialist at Puckety Church since January 2023.  Jesse is a trained pianist, organist, and vocalist, who completed his undergraduate degree at Seton Hill University and his graduate work at The University of Oklahoma. He enjoys using the gifts God has given him to help people experience God through music.  He resides in Lower Burrell with his family.

Financial secretary ~ Judy West

Puckety's Staff

Choir director ~   

lorraine menk

As our choir director, Lorraine brings her heart, ideas and prayer to our choral music.  Through her leadership she helps us grow in faith through music.  We invite you to join us and see for yourself.

Bookkeeper & Clerk of Session ~ Debra Artman

Debbie has been a member of Puckety her whole life and became our Bookkeeper in 2020 (formerly the office of Treasurer) and serves faithfully as our Clerk of Session as well.

Pastor  ~      

Rev. Brian Kilbert

Rev. Kilbert has been a pastor for over 20 years, and has been pastor at Puckety since June of 2020.  He has a wife (Wiebke) & daughter (Renee).  He can be emailed at pastor@pucketychurch.org or reached at 724-678-6976.

Housekeeper ~       

Irene Nelson

Irene is the one working behind the scenes to make sure our facilities are in the condition they need to be for us to do our ministry and does it with a great attitude.

secretary ~   

Kelly Kapelewski

Kelly has been our Administrative Assistant since 2012 and a member of Puckety Church since she was 3.  If you need assistance with anything related to the church, please call 724-339-1323 or email kelly@pucketychurch.org.