Worship & Youth Church

10 AM  Sunday

Puckety Church Capital Campaign  (Projected for 5 yrs. Completed in ONE!) 

The 3 Parts/Projects of the campaign are now projected all to be complete this year:

1)  Our Parking Lot  (complete)

2) a new Church Roof  (completeand

3) Outdoor LED Church Sign (complete).      PRAISE GOD!

Palm Sunday Profession of Faith 

April 13th – our Confirmation Class (Keira Manges, Jason Schwartz, Brennen Sugajski, Jacob & Owen Taylor), along with De’Var Lakshmanan are scheduled to share their statements of faith and become active members of Puckety Church through public profession of discipleship to Christ on 4/13 during the 10 AM Morning Worship. Join us as we affirm them and welcome them into the Body of Christ!

Ash Wednesday Service

March 5th - 7:00PM  

Please join us as we begin our Lenten journey and commit ourselves to following the Lord and the path of the cross.

The total cost of these projects was roughly $149,500. 

The $70,000 (5-year) loan secured via PILP has been fully PAID and closed. 

The other $70,000 for the 3 projects has also been paid.

Please also make use of the Raise Right gift card program - you get all of what you pay for, and retailers give us a percentage - more info. available through Denise Wehrle or Deb Artman.

The last remaining responsibility is to repay the Cemetery Fund which we borrowed against to properly augment the power supply for our improved facilities.  The original amount borrowed was $10,000, and about $7,000 remains.  For those who pledged amounts, please continue to give to this; we will announce and publish when it is completed.

​​Our Spiritual Gifts Discovery workshop is available on YouTube.  Click the link here to watch if you could not attend (or want a refresher):

​Spiritual Gifts Discovery Workshop

  If you would like a copy of the Inventory tool or Opportunities for Ministry form, please contact the church office - 724-339-1323.

There  are now 5 ongoing life groups - listed on home page and the "Us" page above.  Please contact the church office - 724-339-1323 or Pastor Brian at 724-678-6976 to learn more about what some of the available options are.  We want to encourage each and every member to be part of a regular life group to fulfill together Puckety's mission to:

​​ "Honor God, Grow in Faith, and Improve our Community and World."