Worship & Youth Church
10 AM Sunday
Please join us for Christmas in the Woods at Kotecki Memorial Park on Sat. Dec. 14th from 2-5 PM. Several churches will be there (including Puckety) helping with activities, crafts for children, Christmas music and caroling, cookies and goodies, and more. Please invite a friend and join us.
Puckety Church Capital Campaign (2024-2027)
The 3 Parts/Projects of the campaign are now projected all to be complete this year:
1) Our Parking Lot (complete)
2) a new Church Roof (complete) and
3) Outdoor LED Church Sign (complete). PRAISE GOD!
Congratulations to the Jesse & April Oddis on the birth of their daughter, Vienna Grace! Thanks to God for a safe delivery, prayers for recovery and health for mom & baby! Welcome Vienna!
Sunday November 17th -we celebrated the
Sacrament of Baptismfor Hunter Sisco,
son of Rider and Melissa Sisco!
Congratulations Melissa & Rider and "Welcome Hunter!"
The total approximate cost of these projects is $147,500.
#1 First - Congregational Appeal - Your normal giving covers the current operating budget of the church. This campaign is separate from the operating budget. If you communicate your commitment on a pledge card, please know your pledge is confidential and will only be used by the financial secretary. Lastly, we will solicit donations from community teams that may use our facilities.
#2 Fundraising Events - We have completed the scheduled fundraising events of the year, ending with the Basket Auction / Spaghetti Dinner combo (Nov. 2nd). Please also make use of the Raise Right gift card program - you get all of what you pay for, and retailers give us a percentage - more info. available through Denise Wehrle or Deb Artman.
#3 Finally, a $70,000 (5-year) loan has been secured via PILP. Remember… our ability to minister in the name of our savior depends on your commitment. In addition to our publications, you can contact the members of the Campaign Committee with any questions (chair - Chuck West - 724-882-0374). And, of course, the church will be in regular communication regarding the progress of the campaign. For now, PLEASE prayerfully consider how you can be part of the sacrificial support needed in this united undertaking. This campaign cannot happen without everyone's help. Let's remember we do this in service of Puckety's vision to be the heart, voice and hands of God making a lasting difference in our lives, community and world.
Our Spiritual Gifts Discovery workshop is available on YouTube. Click the link here to watch if you could not attend (or want a refresher):
Spiritual Gifts Discovery Workshop
If you would like a copy of the Inventory tool or Opportunities for Ministry form, please contact the church office - 724-339-1323.
There are now 5 ongoing life groups - listed on home page and the "Us" page above. Please contact the church office - 724-339-1323 or Pastor Brian at 724-678-6976 to learn more about what some of the available options are. We want to encourage each and every member to be part of a regular life group to fulfill together Puckety's mission to:
"Honor God, Grow in Faith, and Improve our Community and World."
Please join us for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (7:00 PM). It's always a beautiful night of music, song, prayer, and light, as we announce and celebrate the birth of our Savior.
Content © Copyright Puckety Church