Worship & Youth Church

10 AM  Sunday

Some of our current Life Groups include:

* We have several groups currently using The Chosen Interactive Bible Study, and watching Seasons 3 or 4 of the hit TV series to add to the discussion.  Contact the church office to see when the groups are meeting (e.g., Wednesdays from 6:30 - 8:00 PM, every other Sunday from 11:30 to 1:00 PM, etc.) - 724-339-1323.

*Women's Group - led by Wiebke Kilbert - (every other Sunday after worship - 11:15 AM).  Please inquire as to availability and other details: 724-799-3323.

*Ladies Bible Study - currently suspended - may start up again in the spring.

*Men's Group led by Matt Wehrle and Mick Dober (Mondays at 10 AM) - call 724-396-6775 (Matt) - currently doing Season 4 of The Chosen - Newcomers are welcome!

*Fitness & Faith - group led by Alice Knopfel (under the name On the Move - planned for the spring) designed to increase balance and well-being in older adults (60+) - call 412-400-9463 for schedule and details. 

*The Chosen - several small groups are doing this interactive study using the popular TV series - at different times and paces but it's a church-wide endeavor for the next year.  Call Pastor Brian for more: 724-678-6976.

Please contact the church office to inquire about space in groups and other information:

Small Groups