Worship & Youth Church

10 AM  Sunday

Please check our Calendar for weekly and other events.  Click here  to email us an announcement.

Meals 4 Children - the weekend food program has restarted for children at our Burrell District schools who are facing food insecurity.  We're working with other area churches (e.g., Redemption, Grace Community, etc.) to provide weekend meal kits that are discreetly delivered by school staff (2x a month).  Currently, we are providing for 15 kids.  Our goal is to double that in the 2026 school year.  Please pray for or help volunteer for this needed program.  

Events for the Week


Family Life Network Mission Partnership!

*Origins (formerly TryLife) offers pregnancy & parenting support resources to those in our area!  
*We have "upped" our partnership with them by committing to send a work team the 2nd Tuesday of every month (5-8 PM). 

*Origins will be providing all the supplies; they simply need willing hands to help.

There is a sign-up sheet on our Outreach Bulletin Board in the main hallway.  You can also call the office to see which months we need the most help.

If you have an announcement you would like in our bulletin or newsletter, please complete the following form (click here) and email to the church office at kelly@pucketychurch.org

To help each person live out our Mission & Vision, the Outreach Team wants to encourage every person who is part of the Puckety Church Family to become more involved in the various outreach events that are going on.  In the coming year, we plan to explore different ways to show support to our local schools, support local charitable agencies, work with fellow churches, and make a difference with a global effort.