Worship & Youth Church
10 AM Sunday
Did you miss worship this week, or do you want to hear the message again? Each sermon is recorded for playback on our website in mp3 format, and is also available on CD. If you would like a CD copy, please stop in the media room on Sunday morning or contact us. To listen to the latest messages, click the player below the title you want to listen to.
We are currently in need of volunteers to help record the service. Because of this, there may be weeks where sermon audio is unavailable. If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please contact the church office at 724-330-1323 or email us.
Note: The sermon was not recorded on Dec. 4th or 25th
Note: The recording for May 22nd was started late.
Note: The sermon was not recorded on Nov. 6th
Note: There is no recording for September 25th.
Note: The recording for August 28th was started late.
Note: The recording for June 12th was started late.
Content © Copyright Puckety Church